Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rescue Remedy Pastilles to the Rescue !

An indispensable item in the Natalie Academy tool kit is the Rescue Pastille by Bach Flower Remedies Ltd. Alcohol-free, homeopathic, chewable, sugar-free, comes in black currant flavor or plain.

We keep a tin in her tote bag, with all her CDs, Discman, sun-blocking lip gloss and sunglasses.
They are generally available at health food stores, and I also found them on
Natalie chews a pastille or two prior to a stressful event, and it seems to help her relax and not panic, allowing her energies to deal with the situation instead of being sapped by panic.

We are great believers in the use of Rescue Remedy, first introduced to me as a tincture in the 1970s, when my friend Tucker Held of Toronto found that it helped him function in the midst of extreme grief and distress by the unexpected death of his mother.

As a litigation attorney in the 1980s, I found it extremely useful in calming my clients in preparation for deposition or trial testimony. I found it beneficial myself in steadying my own nerves before a trial or an appellate argument.

Since that time I have become aware of expansions to the Rescue Remedy offerings: sleep aids, children's spray, alcohol-free and the like.

Very nice stuff!